Past exhibitions

Women's beer and men's brew

26.08.2006 - 15.07.2007

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the museum Mühlerama takes up the theme of beer and goes back to the origins of Mühle Tiefenbrunnen, which started as a brewery in 1890. How and from what is beer brewed? Learn about the everyday life of brewers from different cultures and eras and experience the past and present of our beer drinking habits.

Today, beer is regarded primarily as a "manly" drink: football games and regulars' table gatherings are hardly conceivable without beer. But that was not always the case. Brewing beer was and still is one of the activities of women in many cultures. And today? "Beer? It's way too bitter for me!" That's what women say. Did beer taste different back then? 

Hops and barley malt are not necessarily ingredients of beer. Instead of hops, how about gale or swamp spurge, or malt made from corn, millet, rice and potatoes? Test ten different types of malt - for example, caramel or chocolate malt.

But not only that. There is much more to learn about beer. For example, how does a woman in Ouagadougou make her millet beer? What's the story with the beer devil? What do gardeners do with beer? Does beer make you fat? Why do we have to take a sip after "cheers"?

And last but not least, the contradictory views of alcohol consumption are presented relentlessly. On the one hand, alcohol is part of celebrating something. But those who are addicted to alcohol and drink beyond the masses are ostracized by society.


Concept and realization
Karin Renold
Franziska Rüttimann

Project assistance
Andreas Leisi

Overall management
Franziska Rüttimann, Museum Mühlerama

Exhibition construction
Andreas Bommer, Mühlerama
Wood and Stone Workshop, Zurich

Compress Font & Graphics

Tanja Gentina

Flyer design
Meo Giger
Claude Schaub, Metrographen GmbH

Visual design
Tanja Gentina, dipl. arch. eth, dipl. scenographer hgkz, Zurich

Drawing brewery example
Magdalena Rühl

Staffeldruck AG

Karin Renold
Franziska Rüttimann

Total costs
CHF 42'683.25

With the financial support of
Eichhof AG, Lucerne (main sponsor)
Fund for charitable purposes of the Canton of Zurich
Migros Culture Percentage
City of Zurich