Past exhibitions

The bread from the lake

Special exhibition podcasts

The Mills of Civilization with James C. Scott

The lively and informative conversation between James C. Scott and Jeannette Fischer. In an intimate setting, the renowned anthropologist and political scientist told us about his latest research, a deep history of the earliest states, and how it all relates to grain farming.

Summary of the online event from 18.3.2021 in English
German translation at the event: Tania Baier
Production: Sina Jenny and Iris Rennert

To the podcast


Maturation as a cultural achievement

The ripening processes underlying Twann bread have remained unchanged for thousands of years. We would like to turn our attention to the grain itself. What role does time play and what impact does the shortening of the ripening process have on the quality of the food?

Professional grain farmer Peter Kunz talks to researching chef and exhibition organizer Susanne Vögeli about the cultivation, processing and consumption of grain.
Compilation from the online event on 4.3.2021
Production: Sina Jenny and Iris Rennert

To the podcast


She inside at the stove, he outside in the world: fixed roles since time immemorial?

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder opened our eyes with her lecture on gender roles in the Stone Age. What the distribution of roles looked like in the Stone Age, where the stereotypical ideas of men as hunters and women as gatherers come from and what all this has to do with our current society.
Summary from the online event on 11.2.2021
Production: Sina Jenny and Iris Rennert

To the podcast


Baking sourdough - self-empowerment of time

Bernhard Tschofen, Professor of Popular Cultures UZH, visited the exhibition together with museum director Pius Tschumi.
Recording from 16.12.2020
Production: Sina Jenny and Iris Rennert

To the podcast


25.11.2020 - 05.04.2021

An artistic exploration of the oldest sourdough bread in Switzerland
In 1976, archaeologists excavating at the railroad station in Twann made a unique discovery in Europe. Between pile dwellings, bones and arrowheads, they found an intact loaf of sourdough bread. It had all the characteristics of modern-day bread. The crucial difference: village women baked it around 5500 years ago in a Neolithic riverside settlement. 

In uncertain and unsteady times like these, questions about one's own transience come to the fore. At the same time - or precisely because of this - many people have recently devoted themselves to the millennia-old production process of sourdough. The bread of Twann is proof of the permanence and persistence of this process and ultimately of human existence. The artistic examination of the three authors Silja Dietiker, Jeannette Fischer and Susanne Vögeli with the bread of Twann can be discovered at Mühlerama . 

The explorative cook Susanne Vögeli started her own sourdough at the place where the bread was found. This resulted in 10 loaves of bread and photographs that are reminiscent of small planets in dark space. Artist Silja Dietiker takes us inside a bubbling sourdough with her video installation. The cosmos of microorganisms can be experienced physically and is an experience for all senses. The psychoanalyst Jeannette Fischer uses philosophical aphorisms to question our understanding of civilization, power and domination. She challenges us to read the traces of civilization not as a narrative of liberation, but of dependencies. 

Events: The 3 events within the special exhibition will take place online.