Industrial mill
Museum for food culture
Baking school

Baking and cooking school

Collect and cook edible wild plants

In the course, we first collect seasonal wild plants in the immediate vicinity together with course leader Elena Velychko and acquire basic botanical knowledge. Afterwards, we will enjoy a menu of wild plants created by Elena and have the opportunity to discuss recipes, experiences and possible uses.

Wild plants offer a valuable and healthy addition to our daily diet. They also open up a wide range of interesting aromas and flavors that can enrich our culinary perception.

Elena Velychko thus also lets us share in her great-grandmother's precious legacy: her extensive knowledge and wealth of experience about edible wild plants, passed down for generations, ensured survival during the Holodomor famine in Ukraine in the 1930s.

History shows us that knowledge of the culinary processing possibilities of wild plants can play an important or even saving role in times of acute scarcity. In times of abundance, exposure to the edible gifts of nature can teach us a healthy humility in the face of the ever-available culinary supply.

The practical part of this course consists of recognizing and collecting wild plants and imparting botanical knowledge. Participants receive course materials including recipes.

All dates

Saturday, May 11, 2024



museum Mühlerama
Seefeldstrasse 231
8008 Zurich

Course management
Elena Velychko

CHF 155.00 incl. catering

This course is fully booked.