Past exhibitions

Eat up research

11.05.2022 - 26.06.2022

New ideas for a healthy world

Our food has a long journey behind it. In most cases, the path does not lead directly from the field to the plate: the journey of food crosses different landscapes and many people are involved. The routes are complex and all too often the food does not reach its destination: nearly 800 million people go hungry. At the same time, food production overuses its foundations, destroys nature and changes the climate.

The new exhibition "Research to Eat Up" at the museum Mühlerama takes visitors on a journey through our food. In various stations, it shows how the cultivation, processing and consumption of food affects the environment and health. And it seeks answers to one of the most difficult questions: How can we feed a growing world population? 

The exhibition presents how researchers at ETH Zurich are investigating this food journey and exploring new paths. The shows connections and presents solutions. Learn how mushrooms grow out of buckets, how new food is created from algae and how waste is turned into animal feed by insects. Sit down and enjoy a feast that feeds us healthily without harming the planet.

And get inspired by the versatile event program! Cook delicious sustainable dishes. Bake with ancient grains or follow the path of cocoa from tree to cake. And ask your questions directly in special guided tours with researchers from ETH Zurich. There is much to discover.

Join us on this journey of food. We can all contribute to transforming the food supply in a sustainable way. 

Presented by the World Food System Center of ETH Zurich.